Your home is your sanctuary. When you discover mold in your newly-renovated or brand-new apartment, it can be overwhelming. This is especially true if you don’t know how to deal with it. Apartment bathrooms and kitchens often develop mold. If you recently discovered mold in your apartment, a mold removal and remediation company can help. Find out how below.
What Causes Mold in Apartments?
In the majority of cases, apartment mold is caused by an excessive moisture problem. This includes:
- Plumbing or weather-related leaks
- Occupant activities such as cooking, showering, or cleaning
- Complex-wide ventilation issues
- Failure on behalf of the tenant and/or landlord to maintain appropriate levels of moisture in the apartments
Let’s say a tenant who lives on the second floor has a water leak in his bathroom, which causes a leaky ceiling for the tenant living beneath him. The tenant who lives on the first floor may notice bubbling or cracks in their ceiling, which could be indicative of a mold problem. If the landlord fixes the leak but doesn’t check that bottom tenant’s ceiling, the tenant could be exposed to mold, which can trigger allergies and other illnesses.
How to Remove Mold from Your Apartment
You can remove mold yourself depending on how much is present and where it’s located. For example, if you discover mold in your bathroom, you can spray an anti-fungal cleaner designed to remove mold on the area. Once you’ve saturated the affected area, use a sponge or toothbrush to scrub the mold away. Combine equal parts water and bleach in a spray bottle and saturate the remaining stains. Let this spray sit for a few minutes, then start scrubbing.
You should take preventative measures to help offset the development of mold moving forward. You can do this is by applying distilled vinegar to the areas and letting them dry. After it dries, wipe the surfaces down and turn on your bathroom fan to help ventilate the room.
Call a Mold Removal and Remediation Specialist
While mold can commonly be seen from the naked eye, that’s not always the case. Mold lives beneath floorboards, behind walls, and in lots of other hard-to-see and hard-to-reach areas. If you find mold in your apartment, you should talk to your landlord about hiring a mold removal and remediation specialist to properly clean your apartment. Mold is incredibly toxic and dangerous to breathe in. When you’ve worked so hard to turn your apartment into your sanctuary, you shouldn’t have to worry about getting sick simply from being there.
The mold removal specialists at Green Genie Environmental can safely remove mold from your home. We use environmentally-friendly methods to remove mold from your home or apartment. Contact us today at (716) 466-6653 or visit us on the web.